Greetings Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Applicant,

Our new application portal is complete and ready to receive your application!
The City of Memphis Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program is a Lead Remediation Program that remediates Lead Hazards in homes that were built before 1978.

We are currently accepting applications from Homeowners and Landlords only. If you are a tenant and suspect you may have Lead Hazards, encourage your landlord to take advantage of this awesome opportunity.

Did you also know that this HUD grant funded program is FREE!! Yes, free to all qualified applicants. For details on the qualifications, please see information below.


Rental Property
All rental property qualifies; however, City and County taxes must be current, and homeowner must agree to rent to low-income families.

Owner Occupied Property
If you are an owner who resides in your property, City and County taxes must be current, there must be a child 5 years of age or below that spends at least 60 hours in your home per calendar year, and your household met the income guidelines below.

If you have previously applied, do not submit another application, please contact us to check the status of your application.

If you have any questions, please contact 901-636-LEAD.